
It has been a while since I’ve worked on in-person conferences, but with events starting back up, conference planning has started up again as well. I recently chatted with someone about improving diversity in speaker lineups. This is a very difficult topic with no easy answers, but it is one that I love talking about. I’m serious. I want you all to know that if any of you are interested in improving the diversity of your speaker lineup, I’m happy to talk through your process and offer suggestions.

Continue reading “Blind”

How to Submit a Talk to a Conference

I’ve been on both sides of the proverbial conference table. I have been the one submitting proposals, hoping against hope that they will pick mine, and I have been on the selection committee, struggling to choose between hundreds of awesome proposals when you only have a few talk slots available. Through these varied experiences, I’ve learned a few things about what works and what doesn’t when submitting a conference proposal. Continue reading “How to Submit a Talk to a Conference”

Whirlwind Tour

I’m starting to learn just how much work it is to be a speaker at conferences. I always thought you just showed up and spoke. Now that I’m on the other side of this, I realize just how much work it is to find flights, coordinate the hotel, make sure that none of your trips overlap, and finally, see if you can afford to attend if the speaker package doesn’t cover your travel expenses. So, be sure to take a moment and thank your favorite conference speakers. It really is a labor of love for all of them. Continue reading “Whirlwind Tour”

@&#* ’em – You’re Just as Smart as They Are

Once upon a time, I was a nobody in the PHP community. Then I ran into a problem and needed to ask someone…gulp…a newbie question. The responses I received were awesome and encouraging, so I started getting more involved. As I started attending conferences, I thought, “Wow, how amazing that these people know enough to get up and give a talk. That would be so awesome if I could do that.” Continue reading “@&#* ’em – You’re Just as Smart as They Are”