Can’t Drag Files in Finder (Mac)

I just got a new laptop, a Macbook Pro. It is my first new computer in over ten years, so it has been a long time since I’ve had to set up a new system for myself. Maybe this is something that other Mac users solved a long time ago, but it was my first time encountering it. In Finder, I could click on a file, but when I tried to drag it into another folder to organize the files, nothing happened. I didn’t get the outline of the file name, folders didn’t highlight as I hovered over them, and when I let go, the file was not moved.

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finally{}: Pulled From All Angles

Everywhere I look, there are articles targeting programmers with suggestions and plans for how to be “better.” Some articles promise to make you a better co-worker, while others extol the virtues of being a better manager. Some will make you better at communicating while others will make you better at coding. In all cases, though, the message is the same: you programmers need to be “better.”

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“vagrant” will damage your computer

I tried to run a simple “vagrant up” command today, and got this overly-scary error message:

“vagrant” will damage your computer. This file was downloaded on an unknown date.”

This is not my first time using vagrant on this machine. In fact, I use it all the time, so what happened? Did something get corrupted? Was I infected with malware?

Luckily, all my doomsday thinking was unnecessary. What happened was relatively innocuous and easy to fix. Hashicorp revoked the vagrant certificate ( because of a CircleCI Security issue first announced on January 4th, 2023 (

To fix this, you just need to remove and reinstall vagrant. I used the following commands to do this on my Mac. This removes vagrant only and none of my user data.

Remove vagrant:

sudo rm -rf /opt/vagrant /usr/local/bin/vagrant
sudo pkgutil --forget com.vagrant.vagrant

Reinstall vagrant:

brew install hashicorp/tap/hashicorp-vagrant

If you are using something other than Mac, you can get instructions for your specific setup as well on the vagrant site:

Uninstalling vagrant:

Reinstalling vagrant:

finally{}: Survival of the Fiendish

In ages past, the claim has been that the “fittest” survive. Nowadays, the fittest appear to fall by the wayside, crowded out by those fiendishly over-promising, under-delivering, and making it unbearably difficult to escape.

I spent the greater part of yesterday and today in annoying agony. What had I done to deserve this fate? Well, I tried to pay a company money for a service they sell. I know, I know…how dare I commit such a heinous crime.

Continue reading “finally{}: Survival of the Fiendish”