finally{}: Tech is Taking Sides

Throughout history, industries have stayed relatively neutral during wartime. Global companies especially may offer marketing-focused messages of hope and concern but keep their heads down and their tones neutral when faced with actually taking a stand against one side of a conflict. Per usual, though, the tech industry is happy to disrupt the status quo – not just taking a clear stand but putting their money and their talent where their mouth is.

Global industries have long been accused of profiting off of war by selling to all sides, especially those in manufacturing and raw materials. Tech companies around the world, though, are taking a defined stand and even putting aside opportunities to profit as they take sides in the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

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Excel Showing Blank White Screen

A client recently called me and they had received an Excel Workbook (.xlsx) via email, but when they opened it, all they could see was a blank white screen with a grey left sidebar. They thought something was wrong with that one workbook, but when they tried to open an old Excel Workbook that they had opened many times before, the same thing happened. This was now happening with every Workbook they opened, even a blank, new workbook.

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finally{}: I Just Can’t

ding – Subject line: Reminder to complete your student’s school registration.

A new email arrives.

Right, I need to get that done as soon as I finish work for the day.

ding – Subject line: Your domain names expire in 3 days.

Ack, I forgot to renew those last week. I need to get that done before they expire.

ding – Subject line: Did you get my email from last week?

What email? (scroll, scroll, scroll) Oh, there it is. Not sure how I missed that…

It starts to creep in, slowly at first—just a passing thought.

Continue reading “finally{}: I Just Can’t”

Checking a Google Workspace Email in a Personal Gmail Account

I recently had a client who set up a new Google Workspace account for a non-profit they are part of. They wanted to check their new Google Workspace email account in their personal Gmail account so that they could check everything in one place through the Gmail web interface. They tried adding the address to Gmail, but kept getting an authentication error. Here’s how I solved it.

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