Shameless Self-promotion

We all want to be special. Not that sarcastic special that people use air quotes around, but the kind of special where people know who you are and admire you. Some of us try to achieve that by going out of our way to make our voices heard over everyone else’s. Some of us try to achieve this through making sure everyone knows we are better than everyone else. Some of us hit that sweet spot of shameless selfishness that somehow manages to resonate with an audience whose needs align with our own. These all sound bad, right?

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Saying Goodbye

August will be my last issue as Editor-in-Chief of php[architect] magazine. I’ve been EIC for almost 6 years, and now it’s time for me to get back to doing PHP, not just reading about it. There is quite a bit of sadness mixed into the excitement of trying something new. The magazine has always been more of a passion than a job for me. There’s something so amazing about sharing knowledge, discovering new technologies, meeting the people behind the projects. It’s a beautiful thing, and I know that I will still be reading my subscription each and every month. It’s always sad, though, to leave something you love. Continue reading “Saying Goodbye”

Getting Contact Form 7 to Send E-mails

I moved a client’s WordPress site to a new hosting company. The new hosting company had much stricter e-mail rules than the old host. Everything on the site was working after the migration except for Contact Form 7. The form said it had submitted successfully, but the e-mail was never received. Continue reading “Getting Contact Form 7 to Send E-mails”