Dreamhost’s New Mail Policy

So, about three weeks ago, Dreamhost decided to block all website e-mail messages sent from non-Dreamhost domain e-mails. This means that if the contact form on your website sends you messages “From” the person who filled out the form, you are no longer getting those messages. The solution is pretty easy (see the last section of this post), but since they didn’t tell anyone, there are messages missing. The good news is, that despite the word on the street that these messages are just gone and there’s nothing they can do, these messages are still on your server, and you can access them. Continue reading “Dreamhost’s New Mail Policy”


I have been trying to start a blog for about four years now, and I decided it was time to stop talking about it and just do it. I’ve thought about having a personal blog to document projects as well as a technical blog to document things I’ve discovered or learned. I knew that if it took me this long to start one blog, I’d almost assuredly never get two off the ground, so instead of choosing one topic or the other, this blog is a little of both.