Security-driven Development

I am the Editor-in-Chief of php|architect magazine, and I wanted to share my most recent editorial that I wrote up with all of you in case you aren’t subscribers to the magazine. Here it is:


php|architect April 2013

Security-driven Development

Beth Tucker Long

Security breach – these are words no one likes to hear. It means disaster for development teams and management, and yet, when projects are being planned, it is often an afterthought that is pushed aside when budgets and timelines get tight. Continue reading “Security-driven Development”

Bittersweet Has Never Been More True

The last month or so has been a strange mixture of surprise, sadness, and hopeful excitement. I have been working with Blue Parabola for the last several years, and without a doubt, it has been an absolute blast. Not only have I gotten to be involved in the community and educating others as my job, but I’ve gotten to work with some amazing people throughout the years. The blame for this amazing trip lies squarely with Johanna Cherry, who convinced me to attend my first ever PHP conference (php|works in Atlanta) and Paul Reinheimer, who hired me the first time we met at said conference. (Momentary insanity or brilliant coup? I like to think it was a little of both.) Continue reading “Bittersweet Has Never Been More True”